First Rule – when in doubt DON’T COMMENT! It’s a mistake we usually only ever make once but better not to make it at all – if you’re unsure re the gestational status ...
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Sounds like a dream come true? Still at 21 years later a small chord of resentment strikes whenever new Mums talk about their “dream sleepers sleeping 6 hour ...
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Marine biologists at the University of Sydney have been studying seahorse breeding. And while it was known that seahorses are...
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So you are pregnant – and so excited – a new baby to come and one of the most wonderful and demanding times in your life ahead. But right now...
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Yes as most who have been pregnant before can testify, pregnancy cravings are real and undeniable. Now science is...
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The first few weeks of a pregnancy are exciting but stressful as you wait to feel sure whilst trying not to let on. Often someone in the office will clue on...
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On the list of things no-one ever tells you about motherhood should be a big heading labelled “bodily functions”.Pregnancy, birth and motherhood will ensure you see and think more about bodily excretions...
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You would wonder why the government would need to provide a list of names you can’t call your baby but when you see some of the entries below, you understand that some people need a lot of guidance!!!! Christ, God, Seamen, Mister, Sister and Satan ...
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One of the commonly asked questions surrounding pregnancy management is why use private care? The reasons are many and varied but a new paper released by the Queensland AMA...
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Periods – a very natural part of a woman’s life – but how much do we really know about our own bodies and how they function on a monthly basis. There are innumerable myths...
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