Why choose private Obstetric care?
Private care ensures you have your own private obstetrician to attend the delivery. Dr Allen delivers 97% of his own patients. This means that Dr Allen is there with you while you are giving birth and you already have established a rapport and relationship with him. He will be familiar with your background, all your medical history, your partner and will understand any concerns you may have about the birth. As your obstetrician he has already known you for at least six months, he knows your health and that of your baby, has overseen your pregnancy, and is aware of any preferences you may have if decisions need to be made.
Other benefits of private care include the security of your own private room with ensuite, great food and a longer and more relaxed stay with more one on one time and care. You are also welcome to have your partner stay with you.
Most patients love the personalised one on one care, not just during the delivery but in the postnatal period. The support from Dr Allen and the experienced midwives for the 3 – 5 days after your birth is so important to helping your recovery from the birth and in your learning of how to mother your newborn. Sadly often the public hospital only allows stays of 24 hours.
A private obstetrician takes ownership of their patient’s problems and is someone always available for the patient to turn to, in this most important and exciting time in their life.
The public system has many excellent staff, both midwives and doctors; though some of the junior doctors in training have limited experience. However you as a patient have little control over the entire process, and no personalised care (you can see several different doctors and midwives throughout the pregnancy and even throughout the birth) – private obstetricians don’t have shift changes!!! After hours you can have relatively inexperienced doctors involved with complicated instrument delivery, caesareans or even repairing episiotomies – and we all know babies don’t like to arrive 9-5.